Parents must be given to understand that they cannot dictate to the Management but that the Management has a right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain their wards in the school.


  1. Students are ordinarily admitted at the beginning of the academic year and normally admission is given in the pre-school. class only. Admission in other classes depends on vacancies available and this admission is based on tests in the standard immediately below that for which admission is sought and on interaction with both parents and the candidate.
  2. Admission to class Xlth would depend on the meritorious performance at the Secondary level Examination (STD X) and on the results of tests in such subjects as Maths, Science and English. On the basis of the performance in tests and interview with the candidate, and marks obtained in Maths, Science and English at the Secondary level Examination, a candidate is given a particular stream. Only those with a minimum of 60% marks will be considered for selection in the commerce stream. For the science stream the minimum will be 70% marks with a high percentage in Science and Mathematics. Admission to a particular stream will also depend on the number of seats allotted to each section and optional subjects available in the school.
  3. Once selected for admission to any class, the parents should fill in the admission form with the utmost care, and no subsequent changes will be permitted later, even for the optional subject taken in Xlth.
  4. Signatures of both parents must be given on the admission form, and either of the signatures will be valid for all transactions while the candidate continues to be in the school. The signing of the admission form by the parents obliges them to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the school, as contained in this Prospectus or amended later from time to time.
  5. New candidates must be introduced personally by the parents and they will be responsible for the fees, the conduct and studies of their wards.
  6. During admission a passport size photograph and proper certificates with the correct name of the candidate must be submitted. No affidavits will be accepted. A candidate who has attended a recognized school must present a transfer certificate and mark sheet, from the school last attended. A Christian student must also present a certificate of Baptism and a letter of Parish membership from the local Pastor.
  7. No donation will be accepted for securing admission and any offer of donation in whatever form will disqualify the student for the admission.
  8. The Principal is the final authority in all matters of admission. He/She reserves the right to refuse any admission without giving any reason for such action.
  9. A candidate may consider himself/herself admitted only after the completion of payment of all fees required at the time of admission. Subsequent withdrawal or nonattendance on the required day will mean the cancellation of the admission and no refund will be considered except for the caution money.


Science : English Core, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, C++

Commerce : English Core, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Maths/ Informatics

N.B:- Only those with a minimum of 70% marks in mathematics will be offered Maths as an optional subject. Those who would like to take Physical Education as an optional subject must produce a fitness certificate from a Govt. Hospital and must come for games every evening to the school ground in proper uniform.


  1. For withdrawal from the school a written application is required from the parents and it should be given a month in advance or else the fee for the following month will be charged. Those leaving in April must pay fees upto June.
  2. No Transfer Certificate or the School Leaving, Certificate will be given until all dues of the school have been paid in full, and Library books returned.
  3. Students who leave the school without prior notice and students whose names have been struck off the rolls for unexpected absence without leave application for more than one week or for non-payment of fees are, as a rule, not re-admitted. If re-admitted, admission fee will be charged again.
  4. A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  5. If a student is inclined to fail in every class then he/she will be asked to leave the school.


  1. The school reserves the right to dismiss those whose parents or guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards or whose conduct is harmful to others. Immorality or any act subversive of discipline or rudeness, stealing, smoking, drinking, taking drugs, riotous or disorderly behaviour inside the school premises, or wilful damage to school property are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
  2. Any student who is found tampering with marks in the answer book when shown or in the Report Card and in other school certificates will be asked to leave the school.
  3. The Principal’s decision is final in all cases of dismissal.
  4. Parents have no right to shout or insult the staff. Parent’s misbehavior would result in cancellation of their ward’s admission.


Admission Open for Session 2022-23
