1. Punctuality is essential at all times and students who do not observe this rule without a valid reason will be penalized.
  2. Before school begins, students are requested to keep their bags in their respective classrooms and come to the ground for the assembly. Nobody is allowed to remain in the class or walk and talk in the corridors. At the stroke of the first bell, all must stop talking and move in silence to stand in a line with their respective classes. Everyone is expected to stand at perfect attention and in silence until the second bell. At the stroke of the second bell, the school family prays together.
  3. The school begins with the assembly and all students as well as teachers are expected to be present for the same.
  4. Late comers must make a separate line. Habitual late coming or coming to school with improper/incomplete uniform may call for disciplinary action inclusive of being sent back home, and on such occasions the school declines all responsibility for their safe return.
  5. All students must come to school clean and tidy. The uniform should be neat, clean and ironed. Hair should be properly combed, shoes should be well polished and should be in good condition. Neck tie should be properly tied and the knot should be well placed in the centre of the collar.
  6. Boys are not allowed to come to the school with long hair.
  7. Nails must be kept short and well trimmed. Girls are not allowed to put Nail Polish, Lipstick and Mehendi.
  8. Chains, rings, nose-pin and other accessories or anything of gold or which looks like gold or jewellery of any kind is not allowed to be worn in the school.
  9. Ear-rings should be small and only one pair is allowed. No cosmetics, specially eyeliners, are allowed.
  10. Anyone found wearing articles which are not allowed, shall have the same confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken against the offender.
  11. Primary school students are not allowed to wear wrist watches.
  12. Students are not to be found making noise when passing by the classrooms or office where work is being done.
  13. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building or inside the classroom is strictly prohibited.
  14. No student should enter a classroom other than his/her own without permission and no one is allowed to stay in the classroom during games or recess.
  15. Care should be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk, chairs or damage any school furniture. Any kind of scribbling on the walls, notice board and on the toilet walls or damaging the property of the school, misappropriation of the things belonging to the other, etc., are considered serious faults. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teachers or to the principal. Any damage done will be made good by the One who does it. Anyone who finds something damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who has done it. Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property.
  16. Every precaution is taken to avoid accidents, yet if accidents occur, the parents will be informed. Hospital expenses are to be met by the parents.
  17. No objectionable reading articles, video or audio material should be brought to school or exchanged in the school. The same will be consfiscated if caught.
  18. Students are forbidden to bring mobile phones, crackers, explosives and other dangerous materials to school. Playing Holi or celebrating any feast in the class or in the school premises is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be punished.
  19. No one is allowed to collect money for any function without the prior permission of the Principal.
  20. There should be complete silence during the change of periods. When moving along corridors or stairways, always keep left and walk in single file.
  21. No student is allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
  22. Rude and argumentative behaviour with teachers and the cabinet members will be strictly dealt with.
  23. Coming out of classes after the teacher leaves the class and before the arrival of the next teacher is strictly prohibited.
  24. Assignments and other home work should be submitted on time.
  25. No student is permitted to enter the Staff Room or allowed to receive visitors during the school hours.
  26. The class will be dismissed only after prayer, after which the last double bell will be sounded.
  27. Attendance is compulsory on days of school reopening and school functions for both the staff and students. Disciplinary action will be taken against the absentees.
  28. Students found cheating during examination will not be allowed to answer the rest of the paper. If caught for a second time he/she will be automatically dismissed.
  29. Students are advised not to throw any paper bits or waste materials in the premises of the toilets or into the closets. Such articles should be deposited in the dustbin which is kept there for the purpose.
  30. During lunch time, students are requested to throw all waste materials in the dustbins and not on the ground.


For the security of the students, the school provides Identity Cards to all students which should be maintained by the holder for the required session. No student shall be permitted to enter the school premises without the Identity Card. In case the Identity Card is lost by the student, it shall be mandatory to get a new card as soon as possible. Students must show their Identity Card at the gate when they come for evening games on the school grounds. They must also carry the same for all the functions outside the school in which they take part, be it a game, competition or cultural programme.


Admission Open for Session 2022-23
