Admission And Withdrawal

Admission And Withdrawal

  1. New admissions are made only to K.G. Other admissions if any, will depend on the availability of seats and on the competence of the student.

  2. Students coming from other school are required to bring a School Leaving Certificate from the last school they attended and the mark sheet of the last Annual Examination.

  3. New students must be introduced personally by their parents or guardians who will be responsible for their regularity, conduct and fees.

  4. If the school authorities think it convenient, they will examine the new applicants and place them in the class they are found fit for.

  5. When admitted at any part of the year, they pay an entrance fee, the annual fee and the school fee of the whole year.

  6. No transfer certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full and that too only on receipt of written application from the parents or guardians.

  7. A fee of Rs. 100/- will be charged whenever an application for transfer certificate or a duplicate of the same is made. A fee Rs. 20/- will be charged for any extract from the register.