Scouts & Guides

Scouts & Guides

Teacher-in-charge – Mrs. Anna Rai ALT (G)

DEFINITION:The Bharat Scouts & Guide is a voluntary , non-political , educational movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin , Guidesrace or creed , in accordance with the purpose , principles and method conceived by the founder Lord Baden Powell in 1907.

AIM: The purpose of the Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical , intellectual , social and spiritual potentials as individuals , as responsible citizens and as members of the local , natural and international communities.


  • To enhance their spirit of patriotism, love for the country and make them good citizens.
  • To create a platform for learning, sharing, building up their character, enhancing their leadership qualities and developing talents through group activities.
  • To impart in them the value of right living, loyalty, honesty, compassion, unity, equality, sharing, brotherhood/sisterhood, justice and fear of  God. 
  • To promote physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual development.
  • To motivate them to a sense of responsibility for the weaker sections of the  society and to groom them to be men and women of service and responsibility.  


A girl who is a citizen of India and who has completed 10 years of age is eligible to become a Guide.


Adventurous games and activities, Hikes, Wood craft signs, Cooking, First Aid, Compass, Estimation, Pioneer, Knots / Lashings, Cleanliness project, Community development project, Tree plantation, Literacy free tuition, Signalling, Gardening.