Our Co-Foundress

Our Co-Foundress


God’s ways are marvelous. Contemporaneously with Don Bosco, Mary Mazzarello, in the hamlet of Mornese a little village in Piedmont, Italy thirsted with the same desire to help girls. Mary Domenica Mazzarello was born on May 9, 1837.

She too did receive a heavenly mandate. While walking down the uninhabited slopes of Borgo Alto she saw a group of girls playing St. Mary Domenica Mazzarelloin the non existent playground and a strong voice – firm and steady, communicated to her the divine mission : “ I entrust them to you “ Was it a dream, a hallucination? Yet there she was fully awake. Walking in full consciousness…

In 1864 came the momentous meeting with Don Bosco. “He is a saint! I can feel it!” she said to all. Don Bosco too saw something equally precious in her. In Mary Mazzarello a likeminded soul, Salesian by instinct, Don Bosco found a ready, active and creative collaborator. In 1872 he founded the Society of the Salesian Sisters (FMA) with Mary Mazzarello at their head. Imbued with the spirit of the Founder they would march forward in the quest of providing integral formation and education for girls. 1875 saw the first expansion of the Salesian work outside Europe. India welcomed the first Salesian Sisters in 1922.