Tarumitra Club

Tarumitra Club

Teachers-in-charge – Mrs. Amrita Bhattacharyya, Ms. Alpana Singh

 Tarumitra meaning “Friends of trees” in Hindi and Sanskrit ,is a students movement to protect   and promote a healthy environment on the Earth .

The aims of the Tarumitra club are :

  1. To spread ecological sensitivity.
  2. To equip its members with skills in handling local environmental problems
  3. To organise campaigns for the preservation of biodiversity.
  4. To promote spirituality and a world view that is earth friendly.

The action plans of the Tarumitra club are :

  1. No plucking of flowers and leaves from the school garden.
  2. Saving water and electricity.
  3. Planting trees
  4. Disposal of wastes in dustbins.
  5. Making the students aware of the botanical names of the trees.

The Tarumitra club is an eco friendly club which organises the world environment day every year in the school premises. The club has also organised a sale of potted plants , it has also named the trees with its botanical names. The members have also visited the blind school “Jyoti Niketan” for charitable purposes. They also visit  a herbal park and an ecological park to know about the various types of plants , their species and their medicinal uses.  The members work together with unity and co-operation to make this earth green and clean.