Human Empowerment

Human Empowerment

The NGO - Human Empowerment and Development (HEDC) is the social wing of the Salesian Sisters of the Guwahati Province and was established in 2003.

It is a non- profit, non- political and non religious organisation, totally dedicated to bring about social transformation and economical development especially of the marginalized women and youth through a right based approach. The Sister in-charge of HEDC of Holy Child unit  is Sr. Annie Inchanat.

The vision of HEDC is envisaging an informed and transformed society where everyone enjoys equality, liberty , fraternity and social justice.

Mission of Human Empowerment and Development

“We commit ourselves to empower the poor and the marginalized , particularly women, youth and children by networking with likeminded organisations on issues of livelihood, human rights, education , health care and environmental protection.

It reaches out to many needy brothers and sisters crying out for help, the oppressed waiting for justice, the unemployed waiting for jobs, the drop outs waiting for skilled training. The target group is poor and marginalized young women and children living below the poverty line , deprived of the human rights & basic needs .